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Walter Cronkite


You were 23 in that year of the '40 campaign.

John F. Kennedy


That's right.

Walter Cronkite


Did you have any great ambitions for your father to become President? Do you remember your emotions at the time?

John F. Kennedy


No. Actually I don't think he ever would have thought he would be nominated. So that while his name appeared in the paper, I don't think he ever inhaled the atmosphere.

Walter Cronkite


You were 23 in that year of the '40 campaign.

John F. Kennedy


That's right.

Walter Cronkite


Did you have any great ambitions for your father to become President?

John F. Kennedy


No. Actually I don't think he ever would have thought he would be nominated.

Walter Cronkite


You were 23 in that year of the '40 campaign.

John F. Kennedy


That's right.

Walter Cronkite


Did you have any great ambitions for your father to become President?

John F. Kennedy


No. Actually I don't think he ever would have thought he would be nominated.

Walter Cronkite


You were 23 in that year of the '40 campaign.

John F. Kennedy


That's right.

Walter Cronkite


Did you have any great ambitions for your father to become President? Do you remember your emotions at the time?

John F. Kennedy


No. Actually I don't think he ever would have thought he would be nominated.

טלסקופ ווב חושף חזון חדש של יקום עתיק

היקום נולד בחושך לפני 13.8 מיליארד שנים, וגם לאחר שהכוכבים והגלקסיות הראשונים פרצו לקיומם כמה מאות מיליוני שנים מאוחר יותר, גם אלה נשארו חשוכים.

Webbov teleskop odhaľuje novú víziu starovekého vesmíru

Vesmír sa zrodil v temnote pred 13,8 miliardami rokov a dokonca aj potom, čo o niekoľko stoviek miliónov rokov neskôr vznikli prvé hviezdy a galaxie, aj tieto zostali tmavé.

El telescopio Webb revela una nueva visión de un universo antiguo

El universo nació en la oscuridad hace 13.800 millones de años, e incluso después de que las primeras estrellas y galaxias aparecieran unos cientos de millones de años después, éstas también permanecieron oscuras.

تلسکوپ وب چشم انداز جدیدی از یک جهان باستانی را نشان می دهد

جهان 13.8 میلیارد سال پیش در تاریکی متولد شد و حتی پس از اینکه اولین ستاره ها و کهکشان ها چند صد میلیون سال بعد به وجود آمدند، این ها نیز تاریک ماندند.


จักรวาลถือกำเนิดในความมืดเมื่อ 13.8 พันล้านปีก่อน และแม้กระทั่งหลังจากดวงดาวและกาแล็กซีแรก ๆ สว่างจ้าขึ้นในอีกไม่กี่ร้อยล้านปีต่อมา สิ่งเหล่านี้ก็ยังคงมืดอยู่เช่นกัน

Το τηλεσκόπιο Webb αποκαλύπτει ένα νέο όραμα αρχαίων συμπάντων

Το σύμπαν γεννήθηκε στο σκοτάδι πριν από 13,8 δισεκατομμύρια χρόνια, και ακόμη και μετά την εμφάνιση των πρώτων αστέρων και γαλαξιών μερικές εκατοντάδες εκατομμύρια χρόνια αργότερα, και αυτά παρέμειναν σκοτεινά.

Webb 망원경은 고대 우주의 새로운 비전을 밝힙니다.

우주는 138억년 전에 어둠 속에서 탄생했으며, 수억 년이 지난 후 최초의 별과 은하가 빛을 발한 후에도 이들 역시 어둠을 유지했습니다.

Webb-teleskopet avslöjar en ny vision av ett forntida universum

Universum föddes i mörker för 13,8 miljarder år sedan, och även efter att de första stjärnorna och galaxerna flammade upp några hundra miljoner år senare, förblev även dessa mörka.

Webb Telescope Reveals a New Vision of an Ancient Universe

The universe was born in darkness 13.8 billion years ago, and even after the first stars and galaxies blazed into existence a few hundred million years later, these too stayed dark.

טלסקופ ווב חושף חזון חדש של יקום עתיק

היקום נולד בחושך לפני 13.8 מיליארד שנים, וגם לאחר שהכוכבים והגלקסיות הראשונים פרצו לקיומם כמה מאות מיליוני שנים מאוחר יותר, גם אלה נשארו חשוכים.

El telescopio Webb revela una nueva visión de un universo antiguo

El universo nació en la oscuridad hace 13.800 millones de años, e incluso después de que las primeras estrellas y galaxias aparecieran unos cientos de millones de años después, éstas también permanecieron oscuras.

تلسکوپ وب چشم انداز جدیدی از یک جهان باستانی را نشان می دهد

جهان 13.8 میلیارد سال پیش در تاریکی متولد شد و حتی پس از اینکه اولین ستاره ها و کهکشان ها چند صد میلیون سال بعد به وجود آمدند، این ها نیز تاریک ماندند.

Το τηλεσκόπιο Webb αποκαλύπτει ένα νέο όραμα αρχαίων συμπάντων

Το σύμπαν γεννήθηκε στο σκοτάδι πριν από 13,8 δισεκατομμύρια χρόνια, και ακόμη και μετά την εμφάνιση των πρώτων αστέρων και γαλαξιών μερικές εκατοντάδες εκατομμύρια χρόνια αργότερα, και αυτά παρέμειναν σκοτεινά.

Webb 망원경은 고대 우주의 새로운 비전을 밝힙니다.

우주는 138억년 전에 어둠 속에서 탄생했으며, 수억 년이 지난 후 최초의 별과 은하가 빛을 발한 후에도 이들 역시 어둠을 유지했습니다.

Webb-teleskopet avslöjar en ny vision av ett forntida universum

Universum föddes i mörker för 13,8 miljarder år sedan, och även efter att de första stjärnorna och galaxerna flammade upp några hundra miljoner år senare, förblev även dessa mörka.

Webb Telescope Reveals a New Vision of an Ancient Universe

The universe was born in darkness 13.8 billion years ago, and even after the first stars and galaxies blazed into existence a few hundred million years later, these too stayed dark.

טלסקופ ווב חושף חזון חדש של יקום עתיק

היקום נולד בחושך לפני 13.8 מיליארד שנים, וגם לאחר שהכוכבים והגלקסיות הראשונים פרצו לקיומם כמה מאות מיליוני שנים מאוחר יותר, גם אלה נשארו חשוכים.

El telescopio Webb revela una nueva visión de un universo antiguo

El universo nació en la oscuridad hace 13.800 millones de años, e incluso después de que las primeras estrellas y galaxias aparecieran unos cientos de millones de años después, éstas también permanecieron oscuras.

تلسکوپ وب چشم انداز جدیدی از یک جهان باستانی را نشان می دهد

جهان 13.8 میلیارد سال پیش در تاریکی متولد شد و حتی پس از اینکه اولین ستاره ها و کهکشان ها چند صد میلیون سال بعد به وجود آمدند، این ها نیز تاریک ماندند.

Το τηλεσκόπιο Webb αποκαλύπτει ένα νέο όραμα αρχαίων συμπάντων

Το σύμπαν γεννήθηκε στο σκοτάδι πριν από 13,8 δισεκατομμύρια χρόνια, και ακόμη και μετά την εμφάνιση των πρώτων αστέρων και γαλαξιών μερικές εκατοντάδες εκατομμύρια χρόνια αργότερα, και αυτά παρέμειναν σκοτεινά.

Webb 망원경은 고대 우주의 새로운 비전을 밝힙니다.

우주는 138억년 전에 어둠 속에서 탄생했으며, 수억 년이 지난 후 최초의 별과 은하가 빛을 발한 후에도 이들 역시 어둠을 유지했습니다.

Webb-teleskopet avslöjar en ny vision av ett forntida universum

Universum föddes i mörker för 13,8 miljarder år sedan, och även efter att de första stjärnorna och galaxerna flammade upp några hundra miljoner år senare, förblev även dessa mörka.

Webb Telescope Reveals a New Vision of an Ancient Universe

The universe was born in darkness 13.8 billion years ago, and even after the first stars and galaxies blazed into existence a few hundred million years later, these too stayed dark.

טלסקופ ווב חושף חזון חדש של יקום עתיק

היקום נולד בחושך לפני 13.8 מיליארד שנים, וגם לאחר שהכוכבים והגלקסיות הראשונים פרצו לקיומם כמה מאות מיליוני שנים מאוחר יותר, גם אלה נשארו חשוכים.

El telescopio Webb revela una nueva visión de un universo antiguo

El universo nació en la oscuridad hace 13.800 millones de años, e incluso después de que las primeras estrellas y galaxias aparecieran unos cientos de millones de años después, éstas también permanecieron oscuras.

تلسکوپ وب چشم انداز جدیدی از یک جهان باستانی را نشان می دهد

جهان 13.8 میلیارد سال پیش در تاریکی متولد شد و حتی پس از اینکه اولین ستاره ها و کهکشان ها چند صد میلیون سال بعد به وجود آمدند، این ها نیز تاریک ماندند.

Το τηλεσκόπιο Webb αποκαλύπτει ένα νέο όραμα αρχαίων συμπάντων

Το σύμπαν γεννήθηκε στο σκοτάδι πριν από 13,8 δισεκατομμύρια χρόνια, και ακόμη και μετά την εμφάνιση των πρώτων αστέρων και γαλαξιών μερικές εκατοντάδες εκατομμύρια χρόνια αργότερα, και αυτά παρέμειναν σκοτεινά.

Webb 망원경은 고대 우주의 새로운 비전을 밝힙니다.

우주는 138억년 전에 어둠 속에서 탄생했으며, 수억 년이 지난 후 최초의 별과 은하가 빛을 발한 후에도 이들 역시 어둠을 유지했습니다.

Webb-teleskopet avslöjar en ny vision av ett forntida universum

Universum föddes i mörker för 13,8 miljarder år sedan, och även efter att de första stjärnorna och galaxerna flammade upp några hundra miljoner år senare, förblev även dessa mörka.

Webb Telescope Reveals a New Vision of an Ancient Universe

The universe was born in darkness 13.8 billion years ago, and even after the first stars and galaxies blazed into existence a few hundred million years later, these too stayed dark.

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Cocoa Crisis in Ghana Deepens


Ghana, the world's second-largest cocoa producer, is set to lose access to a key funding facility due to a shortage of cocoa beans. The Ghana Cocoa Board (Cocobod) relies on foreign financing to pay farmers, but now must turn to traders to fill the funding gap.

Ghana, the world’s No. 2 cocoa producer, secured an $800 million loan at the end of last year from a group of eight banks, led by Cooperatieve Rabobank UA. Cocobod, doesn’t have enough beans to support the second and final $200 million drawdown from the commodity-backed facility, according to people familiar with the matter, who asked not to be identified as the matter is private.

Ghana’s funding challenges come as the cocoa harvest for 2023/24 looks set to total about 422,500 to 425,000 tons, half the country’s initial forecast, according to sources familiar with the matter. Without Cocobod payments, farmers won’t be able to afford the seedlings, chemicals and fertilizers that are essential to a healthy crop.

Cocobod, which has previously obtained loans from investors at better rates than the government, would normally conduct an investor roadshow between June and July each year and sign the syndicated facility in September before the new harvest begins in October. Last year, the talks were complicated by the West African nation’s debt restructuring.

As a consequence, it only signed a loan agreement in December and at a record high interest rate of 8%. It was originally scheduled to access the final tranche in January.

Standard Chartered Plc and Societe Generale SA were among the other banks participating in the syndicated loan.

Cocoa Crisis in Ghana


Ghana is set to lose access to a key funding facility due to a shortage of cocoa beans. The Ghana Cocoa Board relies on foreign financing to pay farmers, but now must turn to traders to fill the funding gap.

Ghana, the world’s No. 2 cocoa producer, secured an $800 million loan at the end of last year from a group of eight banks, led by Cooperatieve Rabobank UA. Cocobod, doesn’t have enough beans to support the second and final $200 million drawdown from the commodity-backed facility.

Ghana’s funding challenges come as the cocoa harvest for 2023/24 looks set to total about 422,500 to 425,000 tons, half the country’s initial forecast, according to sources familiar with the matter. Without Cocobod payments, farmers won’t be able to afford the seedlings, chemicals and fertilizers that are essential to a healthy crop.

Cocobod, which has previously obtained loans from investors at better rates than the government, would normally conduct an investor roadshow between June and July each year and sign the syndicated facility in September before the new harvest begins in October. Last year, the talks were complicated by the West African nation’s debt restructuring.

As a consequence, it only signed a loan agreement in December and at a record high interest rate of 8%. It was originally scheduled to access the final tranche in January.

Standard Chartered Plc and Societe Generale SA were among the other banks participating in the syndicated loan.

Cocoa Crisis in Ghana


Ghana is set to lose access to a key funding facility due to a shortage of cocoa beans. The Ghana Cocoa Board relies on foreign financing to pay farmers, but now must turn to traders to fill the funding gap.

Ghana, the world’s No. 2 cocoa producer, secured an $800 million loan at the end of last year from a group of eight banks, led by Cooperatieve Rabobank UA. Cocobod, doesn’t have enough beans to support the second and final $200 million drawdown from the commodity-backed facility.

Ghana’s funding challenges come as the cocoa harvest for 2023/24 looks set to total about 422,500 to 425,000 tons, half the country’s initial forecast, according to sources familiar with the matter. Without Cocobod payments, farmers won’t be able to afford the seedlings, chemicals and fertilizers that are essential to a healthy crop.

Cocobod, which has previously obtained loans from investors at better rates than the government, would normally conduct an investor roadshow between June and July each year and sign the syndicated facility in September before the new harvest begins in October. Last year, the talks were complicated by the West African nation’s debt restructuring.

As a consequence, it only signed a loan agreement in December and at a record high interest rate of 8%. It was originally scheduled to access the final tranche in January.

Standard Chartered Plc and Societe Generale SA were among the other banks participating in the syndicated loan.

Cocoa Crisis in Ghana


Ghana is set to lose access to a key funding facility due to a shortage of cocoa beans. The Ghana Cocoa Board relies on foreign financing to pay farmers, but now must turn to traders to fill the funding gap.

Ghana, the world’s No. 2 cocoa producer, secured an $800 million loan at the end of last year from a group of eight banks, led by Cooperatieve Rabobank UA. Cocobod, doesn’t have enough beans to support the second and final $200 million drawdown from the commodity-backed facility, according to people familiar with the matter.

Ghana’s funding challenges come as the cocoa harvest for 2023/24 looks set to total about 422,500 to 425,000 tons, half the country’s initial forecast, according to sources familiar with the matter. Without Cocobod payments, farmers won’t be able to afford the seedlings, chemicals and fertilizers that are essential to a healthy crop.

Cocobod, which has previously obtained loans from investors at better rates than the government, would normally conduct an investor roadshow between June and July each year and sign the syndicated facility in September before the new harvest begins in October. Last year, the talks were complicated by the West African nation’s debt restructuring.

As a consequence, it only signed a loan agreement in December and at a record high interest rate of 8%. It was originally scheduled to access the final tranche in January.

Standard Chartered Plc and Societe Generale SA were among the other banks participating in the syndicated loan.

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